Sweat it Out: No Equipment Required – 7 Killer Bodyweight Exercises That Will Torch Calories Fast

If you’re looking to get in shape, but don’t have access to a gym or equipment, not to worry! Bodyweight exercises are an excellent way to tone up and burn calories without any fancy machinery. In this post, we will cover seven killer bodyweight exercises that will torch calories fast.
Benefits of Bodyweight Exercises:
Bodyweight exercises offer numerous benefits for your fitness journey. They are low-impact, which means they put less stress on your joints than weightlifting or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Additionally, they work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, helping you build strength and definition. Plus, they can be done anywhere – at home, in a hotel room, or even outside.
No Equipment Required Workout Plan:
Here is a no equipment required workout plan that incorporates the following exercises:
1. Push-ups: Start in a plank position with hands shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself until your arms are fully extended. Push back up to starting position. Do as many push-ups as possible in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds before repeating.
2. Squats: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Sit back as if you were going to sit in a chair. Come back up to standing position. Do as many squats as possible in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds before repeating.
3. Lunges: Step forward with one foot, bending both knees to lower into a lunge. Keep your front knee behind your toes. Return to start and repeat on other side. Do as many lunges as possible in 30 seconds per leg. Rest for 15 seconds before repeating.
4. Burpees: Begin in a standing position. Jump your legs out wide, then bring them back together. Jump your arms overhead, then bring them back down by your sides. Drop into a pushup position, do one pushup, jump back to standing position. Do as many burpees as possible in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds before repeating.

5. Planks: Get into a pushup position, but instead of lowering yourself, hold the position for as long as possible. Try to hold for at least 60 seconds.
6. Mountain climbers: Start in a pushup position. Bring one knee towards your chest while bringing opposite elbow to opposite knee. Alternate legs and arms quickly. Do as many mountain climbers as possible in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds before repeating.
7. Jumping jacks: Stand with feet together. Jump your legs out wide, then bring them back together. Jump your arms overhead, then bring them back down by your sides. Jump your legs out again, and repeat the sequence. Do as many jumping jacks as possible in 30 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds before repeating.
Killer Bodyweight Exercises:
Each of these exercises targets different areas of your body and helps you burn calories faster. Here are some examples:
Push-ups target chest, shoulders, triceps
Squats target quads, glutes, hamstrings
Lunges target glutes, quads, hamstrings
Burpees target chest, shoulders, abs, thighs
Planks target core
Mountain climbers target glutes, quads, calves
Jumping jacks target entire body
Calories Burned Per Exercise:
The number of calories you burn during each exercise varies depending on factors such as your weight, age, and intensity level. However, here is an estimate of how many calories you can burn doing each exercise:

Pull-Ups: 8-10 calories/minute
Push-Ups: 9-11 calories/minute
Squats: 10-12 calories/minute
Lunges: 10-12 calories/minute
Burpees: 11-13 calories/minute
Planks: 0-1 calorie/minute
Mountain Climbers: 11-13 calories/minute
Jumping Jacks: 12-14 calories/minute
In conclusion, there are countless benefits to incorporating bodyweight exercises into your fitness routine. These exercises can help you build strength, define your muscles, and burn calories fast. With just a little bit of effort, anyone can achieve their fitness goals without needing expensive equipment or a gym membership. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a friend, find a spot, and sweat it out with these killer bodyweight exercises today!